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Tooth Powder

$36.00 $18.00

This combination of mineral rich plants, clay, and activated charcoal powder naturally polishes, protects, and whitens teeth. It’s better at removing plaque than toothpaste and noticeably lightens stains and brightens teeth within 4-6 uses. 

  • Activated Charcoal Powder naturally whitens teeth and removes stains caused by coffee, wine, and smoking.
  • Absorbs bacteria that causes bad breath. Mineral-rich Bentonite Clay adds minerals to teeth and gums to strengthen them and balance alkalinity to prevent cavities.
  • Wildcrafted Horsetail Powder is high in silica to strengthen teeth and clean plaque. Baking soda balances acidity to eliminate bad breath and assist in the prevention of cavities. 

Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery of all items in stock at Hut K. 

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